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Saturday, July 31, 2010

another thing i made since im bored o.o

I Made it for fun. If i see someone using it (unless its the person that made the magazine) I Will Be mad.

Test graphic (Un useable)

okay, i know you cant see the graphic well, but its a test one, and it is Unuseable . sorry.

Glowing graphic 2

it glows O:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

New graphic (:

i just did that outta boredom, sorry if it doesnt look nice D:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

New graphic [x

hehe, opinions? :)

both of my graphics done on paint.net put together (:

which is better? :)

simple graphic made on paint.net

I Made it on paint.net but pasted it on paint so i could upload it. if anyone knows how to upload graphics and stuff from paint.net, tell me :)

New hand pose


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Headshot of MissAlana1435


Headshot of zoeybox (:

(: be honest,, its just a nice simple headshot ;)
I will upload another graphic of her later :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

just thought i'd post some of my oldest graphics(:

dunno if i posted it,, but now i have x]]]
Did i post that one? o:

Thats my first graphic EVER

These are just three old ones,, I'll upload more later (:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010


be honest on whatcha think :]]]

Tutorial (Paint Users)

Turn your medoll how i did in my suite

Print screen it (The print screen button is Print Screen - SysRq)

Go on paint and copy and paste it there, You should see a square and some other shape O_O (Idk what it is) Click on that weird shape then click on the square Then you will be able to Cut your medoll out of your suite when you get the rectangle fitting all of your medoll, right click it and click Cut and then open up another paint and paste it there

Once your medoll is cut out and has nothing around it (In a new paint window) Then you click.. that shape thing and you circle the body part of your medoll you wanna cut ( If you want a straight leg graphic, then cut the leg that isnt straight, then circle the leg that IS straight and copy it, dont cut it.)

Sorry for no pictures for the rest of it,
Blogger kept making it so spaced out that i dont wanna add more pictures, sorry..

A Graphicc

I Made it for Demi_Selena101_ (:

Ohh, new graphicc

be honest, tell me whatcha think (:

some graphics